I am 29 and was out for drinks yesterday with my male friend also 29. He is a good looking guy and in many ways better looking than I. We got talking to this 23 year old girl who was OK looking but not spectacular. I can’t remember exactly how it came up but she said “you look like a dad” to me then said “you don’t” to my friend. We both sort of scoffed at the fact someone would say that and then she immediately said “don’t get me started on your hairline” to me. I didn’t take that one as well and didn’t say anything in response. I sat there in silence until we left.

This really hurt. My hairline has been getting worse and I have become increasingly conscious and insecure about it over the last few months as a result. So to hear that was really difficult. My friend said not to let it get to me but its easy to say that when you aren’t on the receiving end and are generally better looking. She was clearly more interested in him.

This has really knocked my confidence on a weekend where I was making a concerted effort to talk to more girls (had been out Friday and Saturday trying to push myself out of my comfort zone) and I feel like I am back to square one. Not sure how to process this.

Have you any good ways to get over someone’s shitty comments?

The things we say matter.

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