Please forgive me for any spelling or grammar errors. English is not my first language.

For a little background. My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years with a year and a half in long distance relationship. We met after College became friends and after a few months started dating. Before him I had been in 2 serious relationships. With him it was instantly different, I felt at home, we are open about absolutely everything (well l’m not sure about this one from his part, either he’s hiding something or I’m really just overthinking ). We planned a future together, have already introduced each other to our families and friends.

To the actual reason why I’m here today. My bf has a friend (27M) we’ll call him S. They’ve been friends since childhood. The day we met they were together so yes I have known S from the onset . He seemed to be a cool guy, while my bf is quiet he’s the opposite and is very friendly. After College I came back to my country and my bf (boyfriend) and S also went back to their country. They started working that side and I didn’t even know they’re in the same city till one day my bf tells me he’s having a sleepover at his place.

I was shocked since he’d always talk about him if they hangout and all back in College and started asking a bit about why he didn’t tell me and all. He just said he thought he did and we just moved past it.
I don’t remember what we talked about which led to him making jokes about if I think they’re hooking up or something. I laughed and joined in . He knows I’m not homophonic and l’ve a gay cousin who l’m very close with.
I have asked calmly a few times if he’s attracted to S but he has denied every single time.

Now the issue these jokes don’t seem to be ending just like their meetings and sleepovers. These jokes range from explicit stuff like-:
a-l’m the one who’ll bend him over and fuck him.
b-: my ass hole is painful side not let me sleep all weekend.
c-: we kissed and he grabbed me
d-: S came to my place and you know what went down, we did all positions
e-: he’ll blow me tomorrow since we’re meeting.
At the end of all these he always says he’s joking.
This is just but a few examples.

I really need advice on how to navigate this. I’m scared of wasting my time with a man who’s not who I think he is. I don’t have anything against gay or bisexual people. I’m a very open person. However when it comes to relationships I prefer straight monogamous men. Is my boyfriend gay or these are just regular innocent jokes?
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**TL;DR;**: Is my bf bisexual or he’s just making jokes? How can I navigate the situation?

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