I’m currently working on improving my communication skills and my homework from my coach is challenging me to talk to more strangers and find out what their job is. So my question is, how can I ask in a polite way what their job is and when is the best time? How much small talk needs to be said before asking? How to lead a conversation in that direction?

  1. “What do you do for work” is a casual one! I’m not sure where you live, but im america at least, it’s very common to ask where people work so it can really be brought up at any time. It’s meant to be a conversation starter.

  2. It sounds like your coach is giving you assignments without explaining the best way to go about it.

    First of all, if you’re going to talk to a stranger, you have to be in the right setting and approach in the right way. Or maybe a better way to put it is that setting A requires THIS approach, and setting B would work better with THAT approach.

    Because (obviously?) you can’t just walk up to someone randomly and just ask about their job without laying some groundwork first.

    So, why hasn’t your coach explained any of this?

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