I’m caught between my heart and my family’s expectations. I’m an Indian man, the eldest son in my family with two younger siblings, and I work in our family business.

I met my girlfriend/ex through mutual friends, and there was an immediate connection. We tried living together, and it worked well. Here are some points about her:

1. I’m drawn to her beauty, even though she doesn’t fit my parents’ ideal physique.
2. She’s highly educated.
3. She has a successful career and earns well.
4. She values her independence.
5. She’s incredibly funny, and we can talk for hours.
6. She comes from a supportive family background, with strong connections to loved ones.
7. She’s ambitious and driven.
8. She’s my best friend.
9. Our physical chemistry is remarkable.
10. While she doesn’t envision herself as a traditional stay-at-home wife, I’m comfortable with that.
11. She has her own opinions but is open-minded and respectful of differing perspectives.

However, my parents have resorted to emotional manipulation, pushing me to end things with her. They introduced me to another woman through family connections. Here are some aspects of her:

1. She constantly contacts me, showing a high level of interest.
2. She lacks independent opinions and tends to follow directives.
3. She fits my parents’ physical standards of a “trophy wife.”
4. Her income is significantly lower.
5. Our attempts at physical intimacy were unsatisfying.
6. She lacks a strong family support system or even friends for that matter. She has no one.
7. She wants to be a traditional homemaker.
8. She lacks ambition in her own life.
9. We struggle to find common ground for conversation.
10. She puts in effort to please me.
11. She avoids conflict and never voices opposing views.

This is not a rage bait post. While the final decision rests with me, I’m seeking advice on whom to choose, considering all perspectives.

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