Pretty much as the title says. I am an ambivert, I like places where I actually feel that I am welcomed. I have been bullied all my life regarding my name, people think it’s funny to mock it. It’s totally what I had faced in all my school years, so much that I completely lost all my confidence. Now, I rarely go out. Everyone around me is always asking me to get a hint of what the real world is, but they don’t realize my troubles. I recently graduated from high school and now waiting to give tests and apply to universities. I genuinely hope life there would be a bit better. I feel so lonely, as I have zero people to talk to now, people around me have labelled me as shy, which I don’t completely disagree with, honestly. But, I definitely have the courage to go and talk to someone new whenever I go out for certain purposes, who don’t know what my life was. I behave in a way that I am totally fine and doing well sometimes. I always thought right after high school and completing all my exams, I would start creating content and engage in different side hustles. However, I am not even sure where should I start, neither can I build up the required confidence for some reason. Even my circadian rhythm is messed up, sleeping at 5 AM, waking up at 12 PM. I am always telling wise words of inspiration and motivation to myself, and others, and it feels like I can’t follow what I am saying, overthinking always manages to get the better of me. Well, I have got my own story, and I know that you gotta take a stand and make your own way, but I have to get started at some point.

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