My wife has been a stay at home mom for a couple of years no. We have been extremely fortunate financially where she did not have to work for a couple of years. I make enough to support us and our kids where she doesn’t need to work. During the time she didn’t work, it was great. We weren’t as busy. Kids were taken care of. I could focus on work. She seemed less stressed.

Over the past year, she started working part time. Now, she is working two part time jobs. She comes home tired and often complains about how busy she has been and how frustrating the kids can be. Without going into more detail, this confuses me. Here’s why —

We don’t need the income from her part time work. She can make her own schedule with both part time jobs. She overschedules herself and then complains about it or is tired a significant part of the week. This shows itself when she is irritable with the kids and irritable with me. I want to support my wife because it’s important for her to be involved in something other than being a housewife and mom, but I have begun to question the whole routine when it affects her attitude and health so much.

In essence, I want to support her and I want to address it at the same time. Many times, she wants me to listen and not problem solve for her. The frustrating part is she goes back into the same behaviors that she eventually complains about. Has anyone been in a similar situation in home life? My family is great and want the best for everyone. This is not meant to be a complaint on my part.

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