Hey so I’m struggling to cope with the fact that “I’m just not that guy.” I have always struggled to make friends.

I tried therapy. All I got was a therapist who got be to believe wishful thinking but it never changed my situation.

I tried self improvement like working out and building confidence. Sure I felt better mentally but it only made it more noticeable that people didn’t like me. People were quicker to show disapproval.
Just here recently I try to get a girl to study with me and she lied about being busy. She was decided to study with someone else. I try to approach people as friends but i just get ignored. For example, in my grad school, everyone went out to the bars and I wasn’t invited. Tried to plan a pool party and the idea was shot down.

So I have given up. Friends I do make feels one sided. No one really initiates first in my life. I’m a sideline character and I see that now.

Side note: I know it sounds like I lack self confidence but I don’t. I put alot work into myself because I love myself. But that hasn’t ever really transferred to others.

Idk if anyone has felt like that before. How did you cope with it?

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