i (23f) just moved to a new state for a job and im trying to make friends. this girl popped up on my tik tok page in my area and i finally worked up the nerve to message her on instagram.

she responded and is very nice, but now i have no idea what to say.

conversation went a little like:

me: hey! you popped up on my fyp page on tiktok, would love to be friends!
her: thanks! where and whatd u move here?
me: im from xxx, and i came here for a new job. are you from (state)?
her: yeah! born n raised. for what job?
me: im working as xxx. (stressing out what to say to continue the convo so) got any good food recs?
her: yeah! theres xxx

i havent opened the message fully because im stressing about what to say😭 i want to become friends but also not feel awkward or ask too many things. ive never really been put in this situation since i always just got adopted my extrovert friends.

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