We have been married me(34f) him (40m) for 7 years and it’s been rocky the whole way. As I have started taking better care of myself and not having my husband as the center of my attention after being a stay at home mom for so long things changed slightly for the better. I only say slightly because we argue a lot less and I no longer feed into his temper. Same routine everyday work kids chores errands etc. He works plays the game all or leaves the house to drink with his friends. Not much of an in between. Of the past year or so I realized that less and less he cares about my pleasure when we have sex and generally I can tell he’s trying to get one off, no connection real to speak of. He has text me and said things like, can I borrow your hand for a few…or the other night he texted and said I could use the head I’ve had a long day. It turned me off so bad we haven’t did anything since and that was a few weeks ago. We do not have conversations unless it’s about money or the kids. We haven’t been on a date in years. He never wants to go on a vacation even when he’s on vacation. He would rather spend money on Expensive shoes jewelry clothes and expensive guns. Mother’s Day is Sunday and I look in the closet last week looking for something there’s a gift bag with cheap headphones. I just cannot. I’m not even allowed to cheap out on his gifts like at all. So anyway he’s been asking for sex all week and I’m just like nah don’t feel like it and he is overly upset. He texted me and said he is sick of me and my bs etc. I responded by saying how can I be turned on by anything that’s going on with us and he didn’t respond because I’m sure he knows what I mean. He really hasn’t said he word to me since he even hung up in my face when I called to inquire about something homewise. Usually I would be so upset but I’m used to the silent treatment when he doesn’t get what he wants but I’m honestly tired of it

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