I made a good friend in Taiwan about 8 years ago. He introduced me to his childhood friends, two of which we traveled with to Italy etc. on separate occasions.

However in the group chat they use Traditional Chinese, which is understandable. I am an ABC and can type out some Chinese but not too well and very slowly. They will be super responsive with each other but when I speak up in the group chat, it more often than not grinds to a halt.

One example is when I said “see you guys soon!” an hour ago, 2 out of 5 saw the message and no one responded.

I am feeling kind of singled out/like the black sheep when I should be an equal part of the conversation and group dynamic. I did play a major part in planning this 12 day trip to Iceland but the negative me feels like I’m being used to cut expenses.

I am keeping in mind that 1) most of them grew up together and 2) they live in TW together. There is no possible way for me to be a part of the clique in the 10 days we have together.

All I can do is keep my expectations realistic and try not to be too sulky about it.

I’m wondering if there are some tips/thought reframing techniques/mantras to manage these feelings of being an outcast/loner without raising issues with anyone.

I’d prefer to be able to resolve these feelings internally unless it’s obvious unfair treatment (which hasn’t and likely won’t happen).

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