What bachelors/masters degree did you study/are you studying currently and are you happy with it?

  1. I studied for an Electrical Engineering degree. I ended up having an emergency C-section a couple days before finals in my junior year and the school suspended me for a semester. A job opportunity came up during that 6 months, so I ended up taking that and not finishing my degree.

    I love EE, both theory and applications.

  2. Business. I absolutely regret it every day.

    I wish I would’ve been brave enough to follow my dreams. To choose the majors that I went “WOW that is so awesome, I’d love that! Being immersed and talking about that is my favorite” Or research the things that growing up I said “wow I really want to create THIS one day!”

    I’m looking at options to get my masters now. For one field, I probably wouldn’t qualify and would need to take a lot of prerequisite classes (that are expensive and super difficult). I’m starting to look into a masters for the other field now

  3. Computer science. I never use any of the info anymore, but it helped me get jobs.

  4. A bachelors programme called psychobiology, mix between psychology and biology as the name suggests. I really liked my programme, but im gonna start an ecology and evolution master’s programme next semester.

  5. I have a bachelors in business and economics and I’m doing a masters in finance and accounting right now. I’m thinking of dropping out and doing data science instead because the only classes I actually enjoy are the data sciency ones.

  6. I started in Psychology but I was terrible at it and really hated it – all the study of brain structures killed me. Then I switched to nursing and realized it wasn’t just the brain, all physiological/biomedical study bored me to tears. Now I’m in year 3 of Sociology with a minor in English Literature.

    Its alright… liberal arts are definitely great to study and open up so many career options. I’ve already worked in a psychiatric care facility and a group home, been offered a job at the school board as an E.A, and a developmental services position (the last two I turned down). Im probably gunna end up.doing something for the courts in youth justice/probation though… at least that’s the goal.

  7. I ended up with an Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s of Mathematics and Japanese, and a minor in Mechanical Engineering.

    My career ended up being software quality assurance, and about a decade in now I’m doing mainly testing automation at a AAA video game studio.

    So yeah not exactly what I studied for XD

  8. I have a Bachelor of Science degree, majoring in biochemistry and nanoscience. And a Masters in Applied Science, which was basically writing a thesis.

    Yes I am very happy with it.

  9. Bachelors’ in Advertising/Graphic Design. By far the biggest mistake of my life, because 2 years out of school I can’t get any sort of job in the field.

    It’s highly competitive, with lots of ass-kissing and reliance on networking connections.
    Every job in the industry wants a “unicorn” that can do everything and anything creative, has a loud / energetic personality and obsessive work ethic.

    It doesn’t even matter if your work is great – if you don’t stand out, you’re screwed.

    I’m already jaded and I haven’t even made it into the industry yet, so I’m hoping to pursue tattooing instead.

  10. Psychology for undergrad

    Social Work for masters

    I sort of regret the undergrad, but that’s more to do with regretting I went to uni at that time at all. I was under immense pressure to do so and my mother was full on “university or penury” for years beforehand, but I wish I had found the ovaries to say no, I am not ready.

  11. I have a B.A. in English and a Master’s in Library Science. No regrets! I’ve been a librarian for over 20 years and love the work. 🙂

  12. Bachelor’s degree in economics, masters degree in international relations and security.
    I enjoyed the latter much more due to the lack of mathematics.
    I never regretted either of them.

  13. Bachelor in Political Science. it was really a broad degree, since I did some political science but also a lot of law, economics, history and sociology

    Then Master in Public policy with a minor in international relations

  14. Bachelor’s in mechanical engineering, currently working in aerospace, and about 3/4 of the way through a master’s is systems engineering.

    If I could go back I would do a few minor things differently, but I still would go into engineering.

  15. Majored in Psychology for BA, then got masters in Child Psychology and Mental Health Counseling. I wished I just did a major where I can make enough money to take care of myself and work one job and have good work life balance.

  16. I have a B.A. in Special Education. And that is exactly what I became.

  17. I went into veterinary assisting in 2019 but decided it wasn’t for me. Graduated, left, and now working whatever is available to pay the bills

  18. bachelor degree in International Relations. I had a good experience during undergraduate studies!! thinking about post graduate certificate or graduate school

  19. At the moment I am doing BA+MA in Finnish language, though I think I have spent most of my studies doing general linguistics. After I am done I probably will try to pursue a degree in fashion design.

  20. Bachelor in Scandinavian Studies focusing on the Viking Age & Old Norse, with a minor in linguistics.

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