I made a recent post before, in which I deleted but I am gonna explain it here a little bit better. So I met this woman back of August of last year and we hit it off great. Everything in common, we used to live in the same part of town before moving to the Nashville area. It was great. She travels a lot for work, so I would say around 3 months I didn’t get to see/be with her since she was so far away. But we still talked, and I stuck around.

Near the end of March this year (we been dating about 7 months now) She was supposed to go with a friend to see a hockey game, and I was planning on going to my brothers wedding in another state. Her plans changed, so I invited her to come with me.

Before I go any further, I just want to say that this was my second serious relationship. Last one was when I was in my mid 20s. All other women have just been casual. I was always never really serious about marriage, or even felt like I wanted too.

So back to my brothers wedding. We was on our way to the wedding, when I said “I never want to get married”. She got really upset with that. I said marriage is just a piece of paper anyways. I never really gave any thought about it, I said it jokingly.

We lived about 14 miles away from each other, so I would always drive to her place, or she would come to mine every so often, but her dog was not allowed at my bulding, so I mostly was at hers. My lease at my apartment was coming up for renewal, so I hinted a few times about me moving in with her since she recently bought her home in Oct. We brought it up awhile back, and I said it would help us both out financially. I didn’t want to push it, and I am def no freeloader. In my mind, it was the next step. Who knows, she might have hated living with me, or vise versa. But the last time I brought it up, she called me.

She called and said that she was still bothered by me saying I don’t ever want to get married. I told her I was just kidding around but I guess she wasn’t having it. She said I don’t think this could go on any longer between us. I said lets get dinner and talk about everything in which she agreed. So we met out at a restaurant this past friday and talked, in which I explained to her I was only kidding, I have only been in 2 serious relationships (which she is the 2nd) and I wish I could take back what I said. She said its still stuck in her head and she don’t think she could ever get past that. I told her I really want to be with only her, and I just thought everything was too soon. So I said “I guess this is goodbye” and she said “I guess so”, and we hugged for a bit, and then we left. She hasn’t messaged me since, and likewise with me.

I really do miss her alot, and I think about her every day. I just wish there was something I could do or say. In my mind, only dating for 7 months is still new, and not where I am rushing to find marriage. But I guess she made up her mind that we are not compatible anymore. Should I just keep giving her space and reach out/do something? Or just leave her be and move on. I am trying to stay positive, but I have been really depressed lately over everything.

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