Well honestly this is more of a rant but my mom has always been giving tiny remarks about my body and stuff and also i am 15 (F) and today it just was too much for me, It was a normal conversation but it somehow turned into a convo about appearances and my mom she started saying if u want to get ahead in life blah blah appearances do matter and stuff you need to loose weight and i honestly didnt say much and she kept pressing on it and i ended up snapping and after that she literally said “have you looked at yourself in the mirror, do you really think you look good” “you look so fat ugly” I was kind of stunned she always talked about her childhood about how people commented on her body and stuff and now she does it to me. She has been doing this since i was a kid. Well anyways I felt really bad atp i mean this is really dumb idk why i am even talking about this but it kind of gets worse she starts saying i am obese blah blah and then she is like i want to know ur weight and basically she starts yelling at me to get the weighing scale and i really didnt want to at that point and basically we have this metal spatula and she like puts it at the stove and threatens to burn me with it (she did do that to me alot when i was a kid) if i did not weigh myself infront her and i ended up doing it and then she started shaming me more and more. I honestly dont know anymore I am about 68kgs and i am 5’9 i dont really think i am that overweight but i dont know. i have struggled with my body image alot like in 2022 and 2023 i came to a point where i did not even want to look at myself in the mirror i would literally avoid it i hated the way i looked sm my body and everything and recently i was trying my best to yk like myself and all that but i dont know my self esteem and confidence dropped more than ever. I dont think i have ever felt this shit like i would get it if it was about my health or whatever and i think there might have been a better way to say it i honestly just dont know

TL;DR: This is basically a mom just bodyshaming

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