I’m a female (33) and my husband is (35). We’ve been together for 4.5 years.
I spent my 20s going on trips with my girlfriend and trips with other couples but since turning 30 it seems everyone has kids now and only the guys get to go away together. We don’t do any couples trips and my girlfriends are too busy being mums. My husband has got a big trip coming up next month with the guys and I can’t help but feel alone because I don’t even have a single girlfriend to go away with. They all have little babies or several kids or are in relationships and can’t go on a girls trip. How do you all deal with the loneliness that comes with these situations? I think I’m just getting used to being in my 30’a and not living as freely anymore.

tl;dr! How do you all deal with FOMO when your man goes on a fun guys trip and you’re stuck home alone.

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