Hi there!

Welcome to our daily scheduled post, the Daily Slow Chat.

If you want to just chat about your day, if you have questions for the moderators (please mark these [Mod] so we can find them), or if you just want talk about oatmeal then this is the thread for you!

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The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. Interesting day yesterday.

    We had a massive power cut while about 300 students were doing online exams (combined with oral exams face to face).

    Absolute chaos.Half of the students had to change location half way through their tests and many of those had to restart from the beginning, and the other half have had their tests postponed.

    Apparently the back up power source didn’t work either.

    A lot of very unhappy students, parents of students and also staff (I was working there as an external oral examiner).

  2. I just love the peace and quiet of a Sunday morning, when the weather’s nice. All I wanted to say, having woken up early. Have a good one everyone.

  3. Workend is going well so far, and I am positive that I can stop around noon today. Even now, just sitting on the balcony with nice weather, it’s not so bad.

    Yesterday, a collague of mine called me. We hadn’t seen each other for a while (we work in different locations, and you know, busy). We talked for an entire hour on the phone and a bit more. He wanted to know about everything I had read, every piece music I had listened to, every movie I watched and we had to discuss every piece of world news that we hadn’t had a chance to lay on the table yet. It had only been like two months since we last saw one another! The dude is talkative. I am usually not a person who likes to have extended phone calls, not even when I was a teen. But it was nice. It’s nice to have people who care about stuff.

    Going with the theme of YouTube recommendations, I have two! There’s this channel called “CrowsEyeProductions” that specializes in historical clothing and reenactment. There are a lot of “getting dressed in year xyz” videos which I love, but even if you’re not interested in that stuff, I have two videos that you might find interesting. One is [The Luttrell Psalter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myRNKk0-63A), which is a short film about the life in a medieval English village that spans the entire year. It is based on a medieval manuscript of the same name. The second is[ The Lady of Shalott](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_djmlH_GMs&t=10s), which is one that’s based on the poem, but rather than being strictly medieval, it has a lot of the Pre-Rafaelite esthetic (you may know it from the painting, The Lady of Shalott). It is amazing to see these artworks just come to life.

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