Always envied guys who like a particular thing so much it becomes sb obsessed with cars or sports team or a particular band.. what’s your one thing ?

  1. PC equipment, I love learning about the new hardware and helping people build PCs.

  2. Billiards. I even like just shooting drills. The more I play and learn about it, the more I love the game

  3. Watches, guns, and cars. I’ve spent a fair amount of cash on the first two. Going down the rabbit hole I’m going to start modding and building watches and reloading my own ammunition. Also just got a table saw and building a bathroom cabinet- I have some experience there so I’m hoping to build some cool stuff. Potentially getting back into guitar as well.

    Lots of expensive hobbies and interests but if I had to narrow it down I know an unreasonable amount about guns and watches

  4. My 2002 Toyota Celica GT-S is my baby and I don’t regret spending so much time and money upgrading it.

  5. The Vietnam War. Immensely interesting, and a very rich subject to learn about.

  6. Nothing. I am a renaissance man, dabbling in a vast variety of hobbies and skills, none taking the crown as ‘the one’.

  7. Unfortunately mine is Leeds United Football Club and it’ll kill me one day. Possibly this weekend.

  8. Table top games: be it roleplaying, card games, classic board games, euro, war games, and skirmish battle games.

    I’m also a avid PC game player, but that’s not as important to me.

  9. Skateboarding. It’s my exercise, helps my zen, tons of fun, a way to spend time with my kids and something I can go do with like 0 prep besides putting my helmet on.

  10. Making art… namely making music, drums and piano, but also visual art. I even restore and collect vintage drums. Collect records, etc. Music is probably a big part of how people see me if not the one thing. I’m a teacher and teach art and fabrication. It’s a big part of my daily life in everyway.

  11. Two wooden boat builds happening in America and being followed on YouTube. I have zero desire to build a boat – I just enjoy watching and understanding the process.

  12. Riding bikes. BMX as a kid, MTB as an adult. I never lost that sense of freedom, the thrill of covering long distances quickly, the ease with which you can explore new places, the satisfaction of feeling your body working hard, i just love it, always have, always will.

  13. Wood. I’m a woodworker, and make one specific thing, and make it very well. I’m always fond of rare or figured woods, even though 99% of the population couldn’t care.

  14. It varies from time to time because I tend to get very interested in something for limited amounts of time before losing interest again but the interest in history, specifically roman history, is always there. Don’t get me started on certain topics because I won’t shut up for an hour at least.

  15. World building. I enjoy just spacing out and coming up with like 3000 years of history for scifi and fantasy world’s that I randomly think of. It infects everything I do.

    I enjoy learning history because it gives me new and interesting events I can work into my world building. I enjoy learning science because it gives me new and interesting ways things can be done. Novels and video games just feed the machine. Same with philosophy and studying culture. I have like 12 different stories set in different universes that I want to sit down and write some day.

    This is why I’m the forever DM of my tabletop group…

  16. Useless knowledge I guess. I love to find out answers to questions nobody asks. If even just for myself to know.

  17. I don’t have a one thing. It keeps changing.

    I learned to telemark ski. Then I learned to mountain bike, to improve my strength for skiing. Then I learned to winter camp to get more deep powder for skiing. I learned to speak Norwegian while learning to winter camp. Then I learned photography because I was in so many cool places for skiing and biking. Then I learned to dance different Salsa styles, Then I learned some woodworking techniques, and now I am learning to make wood bowls on a lathe. I am learning leather craft to make tool rolls for my chisels and tools.

    I want to learn to sail, and dance the Tango, and photoshop, and how to make a dovetail joint. I just started learning the names of the trees in my neighborhood.

    Now I see it. My one thing is always learning a new thing.

  18. Backcountry camping!!! It was great as a boy with my dad. It was exciting with my “gang” of pals as a teenager. It offered me a manly, attractive angle to impress my girlfriend -> wife. It was relaxing in my 20s and 30s. Now I take out my kids so they don’t grow up too urban. When I get old, hopefully I just die out there instead of an old age home.

  19. Making people laugh. Holy shit it is such a rush when you crack a good joke and you get someone to laugh so hard they can’t breath.

  20. I’m really good at Bonfires, especially during the night and during the summer. Love inviting friends out to some beach spots with lawn chairs and just chatting about life with the logs crackling.

    My friends nicknamed me “Fiya Man” haha

  21. Basketball. Not uncommon for Americans but probably less common for UK types like me .

    My week generally looks like –

    Monday night – Training my 8 year olds team

    Tuesday night – Training for me

    Thursday night – Basketball game (competitive league match)

    Saturday – Kids team game in the afternoon and mixed league game for me in the evening.

    Then watching whatever basketball is on (playoffs at the moment)

    I feel like that’s quite a lot for a 39 year old 😅

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