Hello gentlemen, I have a curious question and wanted to see if others have the experience or what have you. Ever since I hit my late 20's early 30's (I'm 33 now) my libido has slowed down. This I am ok with but I do notice, that whenever I have sex (actual sex…. not just taking care of it alone) it seems like my libido will spike. I will then be horny most of the time and want it constantly for the next few days. If I ride this out without having more sex, say a week, then it dies off and I can go weeks without it and be fine (other than the occasional self-care). It seems like my libido will change based on whether I am having sex or not currently. Just curious if this or "normal" or maybe something else. Thoughts?

  1. If you are physically and mentally healthy whatever libido you have is normal. There is no proper libido. Some people want to fuck all the time. Some people don’t.

    And it changes. It changes for what feels like no reason at all and it changes for understandable reasons. But I want to stress that changes are different than spikes or valleys. If it changes by a large amount suddenly then I would consult a health professional in some capacity.

    My wife says she notices there is a correlation between how much working out I do and how much I can’t keep my hands off her. Whether she is correct or not I can’t prove or disprove. But I suppose do you deadlifts to keep your lady satisfied?

  2. Sounds similar to me. Sometime the wife and I will go a week without sex. Busy lives, tired, kids still awake etc. then we will have sex and I’ll be after her again the next day and she jokingly says “again?!”

    I also find the season affect me more for some reason. Less “active” in winter. (Canada)

  3. Yeah sounds kind of normal I think. If my wife initiates she knows there will need to be rounds two, three and possibly four in the following 12-48 hours. But not more. The mind is willing but the flesh is weak. That’s only if she initiates though, otherwise I tend to be okay with once a week

  4. I’m a bit like that, sometimes days will go by without it really crossing my mind but then I’ll have a sesh with my partner and then have a few wanks in the days afterwards, then go back to nothing for a while. I wouldn’t worry about it.

  5. At 34 I find myself needing to rub one out after sex every single time. I don’t remember this happening when I was younger. This does not happen after masturbation, only sex. It’s also more difficult than it used to be to get started, but then once I’m going I need to ejaculations to settle down. Like you said, it’s weird but it’s not a problem. Lol Can’t say I’ve noticed it lasting a week or anything like that.

  6. To me it depends on how much she initiates. I got tired of constantly initiating.

    To be fair, I have a high libido but I mainly wanna fuck many people.

  7. Yeah I have the same thing, whe I have a good experience I want to bang her again and again like a snowball effect.

    Except I bust at least 1 nut a day regardless.

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