My (30 F) in laws live a couple states away, and we see them 6 or so times a year. When they come to our house, they will stay 3-4 days. Every time without fail, my father in law takes my husband (30 M) out to golf while they’re here. Pretty normal activity for a father and son to do together. The problem is, they will be gone the ENTIRE day, which leaves me alone with my husband’s mother all day. I like her, but I’m super introverted and it’s very very overwhelming for me to be forced into spending alone time with her for that period of time. I dread it, and it gives me a lot of anxiety. The problem is, I don’t think my father in law is wrong for wanting to golf with his son, and I don’t think I’m wrong for not wanting to host his family solo. 2 things to note—1. we can’t go with them to golf. They always go with my father in law’s friends who live near us. 2. I can’t schedule some activity for his mother to do all day. I’m not really looking for advice on how to better weather the storm. I’m really looking for opinions on whether it would be fair for my husband to tell his dad they should do activities that involve all of us when they visit. Anyone else deal with this or have an opinion on whether that’s a fair request?

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