I have a small friends group , 3 people .

2 of them are cousins and the third one is very close to them .

I have been struggling a lot because each person seems to bring people who dislike me for no reason at all .

The first friend the guy we normally hang in his house a lot , brings a female cousin who was divorced and she literally dislikes me a lot , she gets very well with the other 2 friends because they flirt with her low key or try to act tough and funny .

Something I don’t care about because i don’t want her approval to be myself .

2nd group is the 2nd friend , he recently moved with his parents to a new house and whenever we hang around his house , his father strictly avoids me and avoids eye contact with me (his father acts as if he’s his friend) .

He also brings a guy he works with at the car repair shop who has a kid and a wife , and this guy also strictly disliked me , he mentioned the first time we met “ oh who is this “good boy” “ as if me being a bit quit is a sign of weakness for him , since then i can just feel the dislike from him .

I don’t think I’m a disliked person, I think what’s happening is these low achievers look at me doing a college degree in stem and just dislike me for their low personality .

My 3 friends are good people and we normally have fun when we hang put together alone , but whenever a new person comes in I cannot find myself to blend in in a good way and unfortunately in a lot of cases some dislike me .

I wanna know how to deal with the people that dislike me without being looked down upon as “weak” or “good boy” .

I normally just stay quite and stay on my phone but they seem to wanna use it as a weakness and they start laughing and ask “ why is this guy so quite” or “ how come you guys are friends with such a quite guy” .

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