So let’s get this out the way immediately, I’m a musician.

We moved into this home 9 years ago. In that time our immediate neighbours have changed. The most recent ones moved in about 2 years ago. The previous neighbours never had any noise complaints the entire time we were neighbours. The current ones hadn’t complained until yesterday (and again today).

Being a musician I like to practice as often as I can, but I’m also hyper aware of the nuisance it can cause. I make sure to only practice about an hour a day tops, usually between 7 and 8pm, and usually only about 5 days a week. I keep my volume levels down to a level that it can be talked over.

To me this is fairly reasonable as it is, and I’ve cross referenced it with the council’s guidelines on noise disputes, but my neighbours are starting to disagree and have threatened to complain to the council.

Does my noise sound unreasonable? Do my neighbours have a leg to stand on? Is there anything I should do to pre-empt a possible investigation?

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