how come I am always in the mood for my man, but it does not feel mutual. been together 3 years, it seems it’s kinda always been this way. sometimes better than other but idk. low sex drive? porn? cheating? idk what it is but at this point I feel like he’s only having sex with me so that I won’t complain about it, which makes it less satisfying. we are both young(24) and in great shape. I have never had this issue in a relationship. ive tried initiating more or less whatever he prefers, role play, lingerie, always offering oral, anal anything & everything just to see what he likes and there is still always an excuse. Yet he has mentioned wanting to have a threesome and has a porn history. he’s a very private person as well so sex is one of the ways I like to bond and connect but that’s missing. I have the highest sex drive I’ve ever had so I’m starting to feel resentment from the rejection and lack of affection. Anyone been in the same situation and figured it out? Help

Edit: I feel like there’s more to it considering our history or I’m driving myself crazy but idk can’t live like this

TL;DR;: my bf does not want me sexually and I’m confused

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