My fiancé just lost his job yesterday. They fired him for attendance issues. He did miss a lot of work, he wouldn’t go at least once a week. This is the 4th job he’s either lost or just didn’t go back to because he was unhappy. He doesn’t have his high school diploma or GED. He only can work unskilled jobs. He tells me he wants all these things and to be able to financially support me. But his actions don’t match.

We had a huge fight last night because after supporting him through grieving the loss of a job he actually liked, I became stressed. I became stressed because the financial burden is back on me. I make over 85K a year, have my college degree. I can take care of all our bills but I don’t want to. I’ve supported myself and him throughout the almost 2 years being together hoping something would change.

I kind of hold some resentment towards him because when we first started dating, he told me he was an electrician and he had done trade school. Turns out after months of dating I find out he was only a helper and he never went to electrician school. But by then I had love for him.

He’s not dumb. He’s just lazy and unmotivated. I think I’ve made things feel so safe financially for him, he’s behaving as a kept wife than a man.

We just got into another argument today because instead of practice for his GED and looking for a new job. He’s outside talking to his buddies.

I’m sick of this. I don’t mind helping someone who’s trying to improve themselves but he’s not even trying. This isn’t the first time we’ve had this conversation. I’m starting to feel more like his mom and wallet than his fiancee. He’s taking advantage of my kind heart. I love him but it’s causing me financial issues at this point. I can hardly enjoy what I worked so hard for because of having to take care a grown man. What should I do?

TLDR: We just got engaged in April but I’m thinking we won’t make it to the alter due to finances and overall lack of desire to do better.

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