I'm *30M* dating a *42F*. We been together for well over a year and half now and things are great! She's smart, has a well paying job, has kids from a past marriage who live with their father but come visit often on weekends. We just recently moved in together which is going great so far and I love it. She wants validation of long term all the time, possible marriage again in which I'm open for but not right now (I don't say that openly to her) and I get it, I have a lot more time than her because of her age so she want's to have that again because her ex husband wasn't a great guy, treated her poorly since the beginning and throughout their marriage so I feel like a lot of that falls back onto me like I might just be another failed relationship. I do everything she asks for, I listen to her rant about her job this and that. I still like to do things with my friends, I play sports, have an occasional drink here and there which she doesn't do anymore. She feels like I just up and do whatever I want and feels like I'm not there when in reality I'm there every single day with her. I'm pretty much writing all of this to ask what do I need to do to make this relationship work? Is there things older women want more than anything that I don't see yet? I love her a lot, she helped heal the damage in me I created in my younger 20's, she prays for me daily and does the right things a woman should do.

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