I can remember when I was member of a mixed activties and hobby club for expats where most members, both male and female equally interact with eachother. However I can remember a dude, barely or never spoke with other males and only engaging or initating conversations with women and collecting their contacts for planning something 1:1 together.

When we spoke to him he replies seriously and shortly and never ask us questions. So conversations with him always died quickly.

The only moments where he spoke to us was to interrupt in a conversation where as example I was speaking to a girl. At those moments he is able to show that he can speak English very well and has social skills. First we thought that there might be a language barrier or just very shy, but turns out he isn't interested in us.

This was creating a uncomfortable situation, because most of us try to have a good time together and tried to include everybody in the group. But because he is trying to isolate ONLY the women, warm to the women but cold to men, is the complete opposite causing that he is seeing us as annoying competitors.

This feels kind of passive agressive where we're seen as competitors they need to get rid of.

We -the guys- in the group spoke about this situation together and ofc we knew that he is here only and alone to pick up women. Unfortunately I had to quit but I was wondering how you would deal with such people? He is very social and talkative, but only very selective.

At some point he is doing nothing wrong, but at other point it is quite rude to treat other male members like this. It doesn't feel nice to see and creates hostility that he is only inviting women to his party and leaving the men alone.

And his behaviour is also limiting me to meet a lady better because he barely gives me space to talk to her before he jumps in and asking for contacts.

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