I just got back from visiting my boyfriend of almost a year. I spent a week with him and it was so amazing. We had so much fun being able to just be in each other’s presence basically 24/7. I came home yesterday and we didn’t call last night ( we usually ft every night) because we both needed to unwind. We called tonight but he just didn’t seem like he wanted to talk? I tried asking him about his day and it was all just very bland. He said he was pretty exhausted but when his brother came over with all his friends, he perked up and got ready to go downstairs and hang out. The conversation, if you can even call it that, lasted only 15 minutes. I understand we have been apart just barley over 24 hrs so there isn’t much to talk about but, it’s so gut wrenching going from him wanting to hold me all the time and giving me constant affection to showing little to no interest in talking.

I’m trying to put myself in his shoes and imagine if my friends came over and wanted to hang out after not seeing them in a week. I’m sure I’d want to spend time with them too, I just felt somewhat abandoned.

What do I do?

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