Hi all, I am 36m who I think finally found a love with this amazing lady whom I am planning to get married very soon. She (33f) is a kindness personified strong lady who was in a terrible relationship before, with whom she has a 5 years old kid. I don't want to go through her past life, but she was in a very abusive manipulative relationship before, and finally had courage to divorce like 2 years before until we met each other. I have always been a person with the lowest self esteem, and never had any courage to interact with any girls in the past, and was virgin.
May be due to some of external forces, our path met, and I guess we found each other to fill our voidness. Both of us love each other very much, and sex's been amazing so far. I make her cum most of the time, but the issue is with me. I had been masturbating for a long time, and still do since I live a bit far away from her which makes it possible to see her only during weekends mostly.
I think due to my habit of masturbating, I haven't been able to cum most of the times. I last for a very long time, such that she becomes tired, and we have to stop our sex. She is disappointed that she couldn't make me cum, though I have been able to do it for her. She thinks that she is the culprit or so, though I have explained to her that it's due to my past habit of pornography and masturbation.
I would be extremely happy if anyone could suggest how can I finally make myself cum without masturbation during sex. I love this girl a lot, and doesn't want her to feel bad. She is the only one I have got. Thanks

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