So i am seeing it alot here, people talking about people who are well liked by others.
I am one of them at times.
I have been bullied all my life, people just liked me but than it turned into bullying. Now as an adult i am not 'bullied' people like me, im social I am polite and well mannered but recently people have taken advantage of those traits and i have to be mean and bitter and unliked to not get disrespected. Its getting all too common and now i understand why politness is rare beacuse people abuse it. Im getting harrasses and people blame me for it and at times i belive it. Its ever so hard i dont know how to be. I have set boundaries and have set them to myself to, refrianing from talking to people and avoiding being polite and it worked but the people i have already socialised with is eveb harder, one person is rude to me and subtly harrasess me but i cant say anything to not aggravte the situaation yet another person is alright but i feel uncomfortable and just avoid him at all times.

What im trying to say is being liked isnt all what it seems. And not everyone asks for it or plans it. I dont like it anymore as peoole want me to be nice to them at all cost or im labled volatile yet then im blamed for harrsments if im polite.

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