Do I move back to rekindle a relationship with the love of my life… after time to grow? 28M and 25F

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Need Opinions: Should I Restart Our Love Story?

Hey everyone,

I could really use some advice. About 8 months ago, I lost the love of my life. Despite our deep love for each other, we just couldn't function well together. I struggled with addictions and she had her guard up, making it hard for her to let anyone in. We were both torn apart but knew we needed to work on ourselves individually.

The thing is, we didn’t make each other worse. In fact, we were better together in many ways. We met at a really bad point in our lives, but we still managed to bring out the best in each other. Even amidst our struggles, we shared moments of genuine happiness and support.

Since then, I've moved back to England and went to rehab. I'm now 102 days sober and doing great. I've made significant changes and feel like a much stronger person. She's also made massive strides, focusing on her career and personal growth.

Just recently, she reached out to me with the idea of me moving back and restarting our fairytale love story now that we've both worked on ourselves. She believes that with the progress we've made individually, we could finally make it work together.

I'm torn. On one hand, I still love her deeply and the idea of a fresh start is incredibly appealing. On the other hand, I'm afraid of falling back into old patterns or facing new challenges we're not prepared for.

What do you think? Should I take the leap and give us another chance? Has anyone been through something similar?

Thanks for your thoughts.

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