My (31M) girlfriend (24F) of 7 months thinks I don't love her more than I ever loved anyone in my life, even though I do. I told her that multiple times, but now, after she said she analyzed what I did for my exes, she thinks I don't love her more.

For example, in one of my past relationships, my girlfriend at that time had to leave the country for a few months. The intensity of the feelings we had at that time was not great, but she asked if I wanted to come with her, and because my job allowed me to (I was working remotely), I accepted and went with her. I thought living in another country would be a nice experience and it would also help us both find out if we'd get along well living together or if it would make us go our separate ways. And it was the second option—we broke up.

Fast forward to a few days ago, my girlfriend mentioned the possibility of getting a job in another country (nothing serious, just in theory), and I told her I'd come with her without blinking because I love her so much, she's so special to me, and I want to be with her.

Today she started an argument out of nowhere and told me that I wouldn't do it because I love her, but because that's what I do for my girlfriends, since I did it before. She started attacking everything I ever told her about how much I love her and how special she is to me. I swear to God, I never loved anybody more than I love her—it's the first time I ever felt that someone is my soulmate.

Another thing I used to tell her is that I feel like she deserves to be loved wholeheartedly, that I'm obsessed with her, and I never felt for a second that I should or could love her any less. It was more of a compliment and a love declaration rather than anything else. She mentioned that too—she said that of course she deserves to be loved, and I'm making it look like a reward, which puts me in a superior position and that she's not a dog to be rewarded.

She also mentioned some things that I did for my ex (a relationship that turned into a situationship where I took upon myself a lot of responsibility for her future, like paying for her college and buying a car that was mine but basically for her to use), and that I'm lying to manipulate her when I'm telling her she's special to me and I love her more than I ever loved someone because I did all these things for all of my exes.

I do love her more than I ever loved anybody, that is simply the truth. Everything I do for her, I do with all my heart and not just because that's how a relationship should be. We do love each other, but sometimes she feels overwhelmed by her own feelings and she turns against me. She thinks I'm somehow manipulating her into loving me.

Does anybody have any good advice? How should I approach this issue? What's happening with her? How can I reassure her?

TL;DR: My girlfriend thinks I don't love her more than my exes because of things I've done for them in the past. Despite repeatedly assuring her of my love, she believes my actions are not special and are just what I do for any girlfriend. She feels hurt and accuses me of treating her like a reward rather than someone genuinely special. I'm struggling to understand how to address her concerns and need advice on how to approach this issue.

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