Hi all. I need your advice. My brother was dating this girl. Initially I had no issues with her. Then things didn’t add up. She started asking his male friends out, she kept asking him for money (like loads of money), he was ready to settle down and she kept giving him excuses for 8 years, she’s asked him to do things he could go to jail for. My husband knew she was a scammer and he sent my brother a message (behind my back) pretending to be someone else and told him how this girl was a scammer.

My brother found out and blocked us out of his life. I found out what my husband had done and I was livid with him. (Bear in mind my brother was never nice to me and always been jealous.

Is it wrong that I’m mad at my husband for what he did, even though he says it was coming out of a good place?

TL;DR mad at my husband for ruining my relationship with brother

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