I am recovering from a bad period in my life where I dropped out from high school, gained weight, stopped taking care of myself, etc.

I got my GED and majored in something good at uni and I am slowly making basic hygiene and self-care a routine.

Instead of letting my hair go wild I started getting haircuts at decent but cheap barbers.

I also started dressing a tad bit better within my budget.

Now, I have always struggled with socializing (never made friends, literally) due to being a bit autistic. Not enough for it to be obvious, but I don't appear natural when socializing for long.

I picked up every guide, book and tutorial on how to be better:

Modern Etiquette.

Social Skills.

Common sense stuff (being friendly, etc.)

However, I am scared that I might overdo the niceness and appear superficial.

I am also losing weight to look better. Hell, even sleeping better so I can have a better mood and energy to interact with people.

It's all very overwhelming for me and I feel like I am still not natural when talking.

What to do about this?

The most infuriating thing is that if a conversation goes off script and people start making small talk, I start stuttering and don't really know how to respond with spontaneity. How to fix this?

Thank you

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