Just listening to the song “Same Jeans” by The View (the one that sounds like Brimful of Asha) and he shares that he’s worn his jeans for four days now, as if that’s a lot. I’d guess mine get 10-20 wears in the absence of a spillage.

What do you think?

  1. I wear it for 3 days. When it’s its turn again another 4 and then it goes into the laundry.

  2. 3-7 times, depending on what is going on. I am in an office a lot of days, so if that is the case, I will wear them more. If I am out running around, being active, etc., then it will be at the lower end.

  3. I generally wear them 2-4 times before washing them, 10-20 wears seem like *a lot* to me.

  4. Mainly only once, 10-20 times is pretty nasty, imagine where your arse has been when out and about in restaurants etc

  5. I wear my jeans once every couple of months so I probably wash them like twice a year if so much.

  6. 1 to 3 times. Only 1 if I was working or went out to like a movie theater or something. 2 or 3 if it’s just around the house or a quick errand in town.

    Note: I live in FL, we sweat out here. A lot.

  7. I was and idiot to throw jeans in washing machine after single day use till I saw some YouTube video where I came to understand that it spoils the jeans.. so, after wearing it for 3 days, I dust it and than put it in washing machine

  8. After wearing them for about 20 hrs. 2 long days or several shorter ones. If I only wear them to the grocery store and back for an hour, it clearly doesn’t count the same as wearing it for a full work day.

  9. When I feel like it but I don’t wear them a lot because my job has a dress code and I’m a homebody with depression.

  10. Once a week, so probably 2-3 wears with my 2 pair of jeans, but Im wearing more pants so its becoming 1-2

  11. Depends on what I do. Office work in the winter? They will last forever if I don’t spill coffee.

  12. Usually after each wear. But I wear them to work and they need washing at the end of the day. If I only wear them for a little bit and don’t get them dirty, I’ll wear them again before washing. So…as needed.

  13. I am disgusted. I’ll wear them twice at most without washing. My jeans get washed often.

  14. Usually I’ll split 2 pairs between my work week, so I wouldn’t say any more than 3 times.

  15. once a week if I’m wearing them consistently, so like 6ish wears. I usually wipe them down regularly though.

  16. Depends on how often I’m wearing them. I’ll wash them once after the week and make an effort to wear a different older pair. Remember to turn them inside out and use a cold cycle

  17. Usually 2 days, assuming no spills or dirt. My jeans today are shot bc I spent 4 hours mowing.

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