I ‘27M’ recently met a ‘24F’ on a dating app a week ago and after talking for a few days we eventually hung out and we’ve been talking to each other and seeing each other any chance we get. Her and I really hit it off and we just click to well together.

She’s very fit and healthy, goes to the gym for hours every day and she recently told me a story about how she met a guy at the gym who happens to live at the same apartment building and floor as me but it didn’t workout between them. We were leaving my apartment one morning after she spent the night and after I walked her out to her car and entered my building that guy she met at the gym was walking out of his apartment. This guy was obviously fit and more on the buff side, covered in tattoos and I felt jealous.

A similar thing happened the other night at the bar with her, the bartender was also buff and covered in tattoos. The way she kept looking at him made me jealous.

Now, I’m a guy who goes to the gym but not everyday. I’m fit and healthy (for the most part) but not buff. I have lots of tattoos but I’m not covered.

These are all a lot of thoughts and feelings to process for someone I just met but I just really enjoy being around her and it’s been awhile since I’ve felt this way for someone.

I feel like I’m obviously her type and she’s comfortable with spending the night and is asking me to hang out a lot. I feel the same way for her but I can’t shake this feeling of fear and jealousy. I haven’t felt this way for someone in awhile and I’m afraid to lose it because I want it to grow and I don’t want to keep repeating this cycle with people. We really enjoy being around each other and, at the moment, I want it to last. (I say at the moment because we’ve only known each other for a week)

I’m looking for advice on how to deal with this jealousy and insecurity. I’m afraid of it poisoning my mind and ultimately making me act or seem different and that’ll push her away.

What’s the best way for me to move past this jealousy?

Thank you in advance for any advice!

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