me (26f) and my gf (28f) were having sex a few weeks ago and during sex i had a very severe panic attack related to a past SA. she wasn’t doing anything wrong to trigger it and at no point did i feel afraid of her, i just got overwhelmed. she was amazing and took great care of me the rest of the night and has been taking care of me since despite my insistence that i am okay.

now tho we haven’t had sex since. she seems to be afraid of touching me or repulsed by it. she is still cuddling and kissing me, but she will not initiate sex and when i try to she just holds me for a while and we fall asleep. obviously i don’t want to have sex if she’s not comfortable, but it feels like it’s because of my panic attack. how do i show her or explain to her that i am not afraid of her and not worried she will hurt me? we have talked about it and she said she doesn’t want to upset me and i’ve tried to explain that i did not have a panic attack because of her and she did nothing to hurt me. still she’s treating me super delicate. as much as i like princess treatment, i want her to treat me normal again and i want to have sex again. how can i make her feel comfortable again?

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