Do you think the USA will shut down again due to monkey pox? The CDC just changed it to airborne transmission, so is it being talked about in your city?

  1. I believe airborne also includes ‘large droplets’ that can be pulled to the ground quickly and requires very prolonged periods of close contact, not just aerosols (i.e. how COVID spreads), so no. Based on what we know about monkeypox, it doesn’t spread well between individuals in short interactions. Of course, things can change with a virus, but that still stands.

    Personally, I think this virus is spreading by chance after making its way in a group of people who gathered with the index case, were very, *very* intimate, and returned to their homes afterwards, so it will burn out, especially considering historically, monkepox doesn’t spread well asymptomatically. I could be *completely* wrong, but I hope I’m not.

  2. monkey pox isn’t new and does not spread at a rate that makes it concerning to anyone other than the people who actually need to deal with it

  3. I truly don’t think we will. Even if this turned into something that would justify such a thing. We haven’t — and won’t for a long time– recovered from the 2020 shut downs, both economically and sociopolitically. A shutdown these days and we’re pretty much finished.

  4. Barring a massive Ebola outbreak I’d bet we’re never going to see a full lockdown in our lifetimes. People are just too over it.

  5. Some parts will maybe, overall no. Tired of the drama and fear mongering. Not to mention trust in our govt is a new low across the board.

  6. So far, if I remember correctly, the only individuals who have contracted it are gay individuals, of which if I had to guess, likely contracted it during homosexual intercourse.

    Unlike COVID or Ebola, there are already vaccinations and effective treatments for monkeypox if it begins to look like that.

    Edit: I also want to clarify that I am not trying to claim only gay people can get monkeypox and that the virus magically avoids straight people. Just that certain activities make you a higher risk of suffering from something.

    An individual who drives a car is more likely to die in a car accident then someone who stays home. It’s not because the person who stays home is magically immune to car accidents, but because their activity leads them to less exposure of dying by car accident than the person who drives.

  7. Given that we’re still reeling from shutting down last time, shutting down again would be an absolute no go.

  8. It’s not a novel disease, it’s well-understood and the smallpox vaccine, which is already developed and tested, can provide a level of protection (about 85% is what I read).

    I have not read that it has been observed to be airborne transmissible, only that they are urging precautions *in case* it has evolved into an airborne pathogen, simply because it has shown up in places it never has (in these numbers) previously.

  9. Nope. It’s an old disease and nobody cares. When cases of Bubonic plague make the news no one bats an eye. Old diseases are old news and it’s a one-off. You would need monkey pox to spread across an entire region before anyone pays attention.

  10. No, the science doesn’t bear out doing that. It’s not that worth being concerned about.

  11. I don’t think it’s going to amount to anything, and I wouldn’t even know it was happening if it weren’t for the internet.

  12. I wouldn’t mind. I work from home anyway and last time it happened, things got cheaper.

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