Specifically talking about close friends and siblings here. Ofc it's ok to take a call, check your phone every once in a while or maybe reply to an urgent message, but I personally think you should keep it as brief as possible if you're doing something with someone and made specific plans to hang out with that person. I have a friend that will reply to all of her snaps and sometimes even call with someone for several minutes while we're hanging out or walking somewhere, completely ignoring me. Most of the times with headphones on. My sister does it too, she once went on call with her best friend the entire time we were driving to go shopping even though I was really looking forward to spend time with her. She didn't even ask if it was ok, just told me she was going to call her.

Personally I think it's extremely rude and hurtful and I try my best to not do it myself but most people I know do it so idk, maybe there's some unexplained social rule I just don't get about it? Am I wrong to be hurt or should I say something about it?

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