News just broke about Macron dissolving the Parliament in France after EP elections.

It got me wondering as the Parliament in Poland can only be dissolved in three specific situations:

  1. Sejm (the lower house) with 2/3 votes to dissolve itself. If passed it also means automatic Senate dissolution. (Almost impossible in practice in current political climate. Never happened under current constitution)

  2. President requests new elections after Sejm failed to give a vote of confidence to any PM candidate. (We got a first scare of this last year but Tusk managed to gain the vote in the so called “second step”)

  3. Parliament fails to present the President with an annual budget bill in time. The president cannot veto this bill. He has to only be formally presented with one. (Almost happened this year)

Wałęsa’s frivolous use of presidential power to dissolve Parliament in the early 90’s resulted in getting rid of this power when new constitution was passed in 1997. He used it as a power play against unfavorable Prime Ministers to him at the time.

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