I met this girl in late May – we bonded over film and literature, we went to the cinema together and had a really memorable first date watching a terrible movie. For our second date we just spent the day wandering through town checking out used bookstores, chatting and getting to know each other – by the time to say goodbye, we kissed. On the third date we got more intimate, sitting and chatting as we made it clear we wanted to take things step by step but still really into each other.

And then she invited me to spend the night over from this Sunday to Monday. Agreeing that this first time would just be cuddling and whatnot (I'm totally fine with that, boundaries and a slower pace especially in a situation like this are nice), we spent the night cooking dinner, watching a movie together and cuddling on her couch. We slept on the same bed just kissing and cuddling, and up until the morning, where she even came up to me and gave me a warm hug, nothing seemed to be weird. It was actually a fantastic and really warm evening / start to the day as a whole, there wasn't anything wrong with it at all.

But then we got up and it seemed like so much of that conversation and cheerfulness vanished. It wasn't awkward, it was just a sense of being totally at a loss as to what to say. Anything I tried, from helplessly finding stuff to talk about, to a bit of physical intimacy like we'd had the night before, just felt like it would worsen the mood even more. I stopped trying for physical contact immediately. The environment that morning was genuinely heavy with silence. On the bus leaving her house we just sat there, each reading a book, totally quiet. We did have some pretty heavy conversation topics earlier that morning, but that clearly wasn't it; I asked her repeatedly over the day if she had been / was comfortable with what was happening between us and she said yes (she even called back to a conversation we had jokingly had about "the ick", and mentioned that constantly asking if everything was fine between us was an "ick" and annoying, which led to me just not wanting to ask anymore).

We went to the cinema (no physical contact at all from her end and I didn't even try anymore by then), but left on a relatively good note, having kissed before going our ways – and she did message me telling me she was home and thanking me back for the evening. We haven't spoken since then (yesterday), and I'm a bit at a loss. I don't want to pester her more about this (especially after the "ick" comment"), and I feel like giving her some distance is the key here, but I feel like things grew cold. Especially because we spoke so much over text, we never really shut up during this month of dating and texting. I'm surprised she hasn't even texted me breaking things off or anything.

My possibilities for this shift are that we simply just ran out of things to talk about (it does feel like that, and the environment was fucking agonizing at least to me because of it), that we went too fast for her liking (though she would have said so), she had something like a change of heart but still hasn't said anything about it, or that something came up that I wasn't aware of. I have no idea. Could be something else. I'm just at a loss.

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