Hello people of reddit,

I've been contemplating divorce for a long time for various reasons. However, my wife and child rely on me financially, and I'm concerned about their future if I leave.

Has anyone been in a similar situation? Our sex life has never been fulfilling, and I'm afraid I'll miss out on experiencing true intimacy as I grow older. Additionally, she doesn't take care of her appearance, which affects my attraction to her, at the other hand I take care of myself and was seeking ways to connect with her but started to lose hope, we had young marriage and I was not old enough to choose someone who is more compatible to me even though it’s impossible. Despite all this, she loves me deeply and would be devastated if I left. She has no one else but me and my family, as her own family abandoned her when she was young. I understand that adults shouldn't have to financially support other adults, but I don't want to feel like an asshole. It's difficult to write this, but I'm looking for any thoughts or advice.

Life is short yet complicated and devastating

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