My bf and I have been together a year and a few months and the relationship has been great, no major fights, we spend most of our time together and we plan to move in together soon, but our sex life is kinda weird. He says our sex life is good and normal but I'm not really sure it is. My bf and I are both trans men with me being a strict bottom and he is a "switch". I put this in quotations because he won't let me do anything sexual to him. I have done things to him before which I presume he enjoyed, as I made him finish, but he hasn't let me do anything to him for months on end. I ask multiple times and he always says he isn't in the mood. Not to mention that trying to have sex feels like pulling teeth sometimes. I admit my sex drive is way higher than his but it's very difficult to initiate sex with him as he always dismisses it when I try to give him the hint that I'm in the mood or even when I try to outwardly say that I want to have sex he usually just says" maybe" or that hes too tired. And also, during sex it's starting to feel boring, which I know is normal for couples but I feel this is different. He does the same thing each time, which feels good yes and yes I finish but it's so vanilla, and we are both very kinky individuals so it feels pretty unsatisfying, especially because we don't go for very long. In the beginning of our relationship though, we had sex very often. I'm in college and he would see me every weekend, and every weekend we would have sex sometimes multiple times a day and it was amazing. He would also sext me and ask for nudes and I felt very satisfied sexually and felt that our libido matched perfectly until something changed and now we have sex maybe once every other week (I am now home from college for the summer), he never sexts me and he never asks for nudes anymore. Everytime I bring this up to him that I'm insecure that he doesn't like having sex with me he reassures me that it's not the case but at this point I'm starting to not believe him. I don't know what to do.

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