There’s gotta be something wrong with me because i can’t seem to make friends no matter what i do. I’m 19(F) and i dropped out of highschool at 17. I’ve never had a friend for more than a few months. I can make friends but it doesn’t really feel like a friendship if that makes sense. Like it would be a school or work friendship. and i thought we all got along great for it to be like an actual friendship. i don’t have social anxiety and i can get along with ANYONE… so whatever their hobbies are i can make mine that too lol. I have a boyfriend and we’ve been together for 2 years but i just don’t have any friends outside of him. I might hangout with someone here and there but it’s a one time thing and we never talk after that. despite me putting in the effort to become friends. I just want a girl bsf 🥲 can someone give me some advice

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