my boyfriend (20M) and me (19F) have been dating for 1.5 years now. we are both currently in uni getting our bachelor's. we both spend a lot of quality time together. we fight but we resolve. he has given me a promise ring and constantly calls me his wife. he recently moved to a residence park under the campus housing and a lot of our mutuals already live there. i live 20 mins away (walking distance) and thought it's a good idea to move to his residence park because of not only him being there but few of my friends being there too. two friends of mine believed it was a great idea and that i should definitely move but somehow my boyfriend has been a bit weird about it. everytime i bring it up about moving he becomes very defensive. when i try to talk calmly, he brings up all the nice things about where i currently live and that a 20 minute walk is nothing. when he notices that i am a lil mad that my friends would want me to move but not him, he says "if you want to you can move" and shuts the conversation or tries switching the topic. when i said if u don't want me to come live near you, ill not move, he just goes "oh ummm okay" and then continues chilling. i just feel disheartened because last year (when our relationship was fairly new) i actually moved to live closer to him. i just thought that a man who is so sure of me and loves me and seeks a future w me would like to live near me. crazy thing is when he applied for campus housing, he had an option to put the residence houses he would like in order of priority and chose to keep the place where i live LAST. when i asked him about that a few months ago, he would just became defensive. i am confused, does he not like me? does he not like my company? am i too boring? am i not worth it to him?

tldr- boyf lives 20 mins away. i said ill move to live closer to him. he doesn't want that, becomes defensive.

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