Basically I'm a 20 year old virgin, and this is mainly because of the sensitivity of penis. I was always afraid of sex hurting or not being able to get blowjobs, basically thought i had no chance at having any good sexual experience. Now the reason for this sensitivity issue and lack of addressing it is because at random times whenever the head was pressed i had thought it was so sensitive that i threw up, thus creating this fear.

Today i decided to bite the bullet and try and desensitize it by touching the head in shower, and to my absolute surprise i could grab, squeeze and touch it, obviously it wasn't the most comfortable feeling in the world, but it was easy enough for me to say "i could manage this", but this however spawned a new issue. Obviously its great that i can touch my penis gland without it being overly sensitive, but that same nauseous feeling emerged, so now my problem is less of "oh god i can't let a women touch that" to "i might throw up receiving a blow job or sex"

Anyone else been in this similar predicament or am i unique case, will this feeling go away the more exposure touching it in the shower? I'd love to know.

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