I F26 just moved across my country because I found a new job. I just started (it's been just a week or so) but I found incredibly hard to connect with local people and coworkers especially. Some of my collegues (who were new staff as well) just became "friends" right away and started doing stuff together. I talk to them during work hours and also tried to ask if I could join them after work or during break but they don't seem very interested in me or keen to know me…it feels more like they're doing me a favour by letting me tag along. This feeling of rejection made me less interested in them as well as a result. Sometimes there's also drinking involved, which I enjoy, but not as much as they do…I am really bummed about all this because I had hoped to have more experiences here since I've had few in the past. Any advice on how to socialize without paying attention to how one is percieved or fear of rejection? I just want to be able to be me without being ashamed. I'm tired of this.

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