My husband lives in another city 8 hours away and I am currently in the process of moving there. Yesterday he called me and told me that a friend of his is able to take some stuff over there so that we won't have to drive many times. That's all the information I was given about it. So I packed a few things and my vanity, all in all 2 cartons plus the small makeup vanity that's really precious to me because my dad build it for me as a birthday gift around 6 years ago. Now it had been very loved and only needed a new paint job and it would have been pretty again… For context the new apartment is a one bedroom apartment that is already kind of stuffy already but I figured we can make room somehow. After he discovered that I had sent it with the other stuff he completely lost his shit and exploded on my over the phone, saying that it's ugly, that there is no space, that his friend didn't have enough space to transport it and had to leave some of his stuff behind and so on. He yelled at me for a good 5 minutes berading me for being so stupid and disgustibg for wanting it to be in his apartment… This hurt me very deeply and I just sat there listening to it all. Then he told me that he was going to get rid of it as soon as he gets it and that he's gonna break it and trash it.
I find this to be very disrespectful toward me, my father and my feelings considering he knows how much I am fond of it.
Now it's been a couple of hours and I am completely numb to it all, I don't think I will ever forgive him for that and I see him in a completely different light now. I had a hunch he might not be too fond of the idea of it but I figured I needed a place for my jewelry, makeup and so on and that we were just gonna have to make it work, also we would not be staying in that apartment forever so I didn't think it would such drama.

No I am stuck with a husband I know doesn't really care for my feelings.


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