So this is going to be somewhat of a long story. My father has been in and out of my life since I was 12, I’m the oldest of 5 siblings (different mothers) they live across the country. He had a really bad drug problem for years and I helped him get an apartment and car after he went through rehab. That didn’t work out he went back to using and destroyed our apartment. It was really hard on me, it costed me and my partner allot of money to repair the place and replace the furniture that was stolen. At that point I said I needed a break from him until he gets his life together, I got hurt way too many times trying to help him and he was affecting my relationships. He still messaged me regularly mostly asking me for money rather than how I was.
Fast forward to a year later I had my first child (his first grandchild) and he didn’t even want to come see him even though we are in the same city. I could tell he was still in a bad place. No contact from that point even my messages weren’t delivering. So Father’s Day just passed and for some reason I had a really bad gut feeling about him. I thought maybe he was dead or in trouble. I tried to reach out and nothing, my siblings also haven’t heard from him. So I decided to just google search his name and of course I read some crazy news I don’t even know how to process. He is going to jail for a very long time and I’m just in shock. I tried so hard to help him and I’m just so sad reading that he hasn’t changed at all but actually got worse. My dad’s side of the family lives across the country and they are very traditional and religious. I know he doesn’t talk to them cause I keep in contact with them. I feel like the family isn’t aware of what he’s done and I’m not sure if I should be the one to tell them or not. My siblings are in their late teens early 20s and I feel like this news will really hurt them. They aren’t aware of his drug issues because I tried to keep that away from them.
Given from what charges he has I’m sure I’m not going to see him for at least a decade. I just don’t know how to approach my family about this.

TDLR : I found out my dad is going to jail for a long time and don’t know how to tell the family especially my siblings.

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