Problem is my husband hasn't found a job in last 6 years – not that he hasn't tried. We are in a EU country where min wage jobs needs language requirement & he is picking up on it rapidly. There are moments when I really get stressed because of it. Fortunately I have a decently well paid job. We definitely want to try.

How do I prepare myself? What kind of planning should I do?

He tries to help out in chores as much as possible, and I am guessing he will be willing to do more. He is helpful.

I am afraid i will turn into a dominating mother, discouraging my child to turn into him. He is not a bad person, but we all have moments when we doubt our partners – in my case that moment is a more frequent.

Edit on chores: He does most of the cooking, cleans toilets, basin. I usually do the dishes, washing, folding clothes. It's a decent balance at the moment. And we exchange chores from time to time depending on our energy levels.
If I was in his situation and asked to do everything, that would have been unfair. So I find this system ok for the time being.

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