How’s it possible I’m constantly being shit on by everyone?

I (31F) am a fairly successful, independent woman who has a professional job and has a close group of friends whom I love and never have major conflicts or issues with. Excluding my group of friends however, I’m literally constantly going about life being shit on by others on a daily basis. This is in every aspect of my life besides my friend group! It makes me feel like im a terrible piece of shit person. I can’t seem to find a guy I like enough to date long term, and I have literally no family in my life including my parents because my mother thinks I’m a lying attention seeking piece of shit for some reason with mental issues. How is it possible that I can go weeks on end with the only interactions (outside of my friendships) being negative? An example would be waking up starting my day to texts from my landlord complaining that I put food in my trash can and an animal went through it overnight and now I made a big mess in the yard and apparently everyone but me knows to keep food out of the trash can. Then I clean it up and I go in my car to drive to the coffee shop for a coffee where I’m honked at and flipped off by another driver when I didn’t even do anything intentional. Then I get home and texted from my neighbour that I’m stomping my feet like an elephant while climbing the stairs. Then I check my work email to find harsh criticisms about my work from people who aren’t my boss (but still matter to me), then I go to a appointment to get my summer tires put on my car and the staff are annoyed that I didn’t take the tools out of my truck for them even though I had no idea there were even tools for that in my trunk in the first place. Then I’ll open up fb to find messages from some guy I went on 1 date with who’s berating me for turning down a second date. This is a true example of 1 typical day in my life. None of this is offset by someone showing me kindness or praise. Is this how other people feel, is it just because I’m single and without family? Or am I actually just a shitty ass person

TL;DR I go about my day constantly being criticized and shit on. Does this mean I’m actually a piece of shit?

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