I’ve had this guy friend now for around 4 years and I’m going to be honest I think I’ve liked him on and off for our entire friendship. I’m in grade 12 now and i remember in grade 10 he used to FLIRT with me, all the time. He would tell me that i’m pretty, that he likes me, that he would take me on a date and then he would proceed to talk about what we would do on that date. Now 15 year old me didn’t know he was playing me and I believed him until I once insinuated i liked him and he freaked out and started acting like he had no interest in me. So i quickly pretended like I was joking and we moved on. Fast forward to the present and a few weeks ago we were in the car and he was holding my hand, hugging me, this guy was touching my thigh, playing with my hair. All of that stuff on several occasions. But then as soon as I told him i’m moving away for uni, he started to get meaner to me. But now fast forward today when i told myself i need to cut this toxic person out of my life. He asks me to go on a drive and starts crying to me about something. I feel like he is just using me and I know I seem done but for some reason I can’t escape. Because sometimes he does make me happy. Please someone knock sense into me.

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