My wife(40f) and I(37m) are getting a weekend on vacation without kids for the first time in 8 years and are very excited for some sexy time together and want to maximize it.

The issue is a weekend is rather short and we don’t know when we will get this opportunity again. I’m usually only good for about two rounds a day (morning and night) and I think we both would like to have a little more action in our uninterrupted sexy time together.

I know there are medications out there that can help with this, some even marketed for “entertainment purposes” but I don’t know what I’m looking at which ones are BS and which ones are good for our specific purpose (I don’t have ED, just want to go more rounds in a short time like my youth) I could use some help with what the recommended pill would be, preferably something that doesn’t need a doctor’s appointment.

Bonus points: we are going to a state that has legal weed and are thinking or partaking as it’s the first time we can do so without our kids around, would be nice to know how alcohol, weed or gummies may effect any pills, but that’s also just an idea and not something we need to pursue.

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